Saturday, December 18, 2010

Read impressions of medical school! - - my son Andrew! - - interpreter edition

Tribute to Emergency Medical Services

Be considered as a the most difficult year the 3rd of the medical school year. I can say I never had tried hard so assiduously like the 3rd year none exaggeratively. This year, students basically class of theory of it doesn‘t matter, major while is to be in a hospital to learn. There is many to differ between institute and institute, but the major that place of this year learns ability is us. Generally speaking, these major include domestic medicine, internal medicine, pediatric, surgical, obstetric with department of gynaecology, and mental division.

Is why saying the 3rd year the most difficult a year? Among them a the mainest reason is you should keep learning new mastery of a skill or technique and new knowledge. Be in before two years of the medical school, what the pupil basically learns is how to be mixed patient interview and how to keep medical record, but these undertake with the form of imitate scene, apply to practice study of the 3rd year far from. Be in the 3rd year, the student should carry out interview patient truly, write medical record and to doctor in charge of a case the circumstance of oral report patient. These works are not simple. Take oral report for, it is a very nerve-racking thing. Oral report must indirect and compendious systimatic. Doctor in charge of a case is not stick-to-itive person, report so must compendious but should summarize the most important information again. If your report Suo is expatiatory, still omited a certain crucial detail, doctor in charge of a case can be scolded. Say so, the 3 grade student that serves as a medical school must be gotten have thick-skinned mind.

Another reason is rotate study. What one school year differentiates to differ for a few is professional, that is to say every two months are about to learn a new major. Of the place that there is certain likeness between major, it is easy to also be compared when rotate is so professional, but different place also can exist certainly, for example, when mental science reviews, the connection that keeps close with the patient is exceedingly fundamental, want to spend a hour and patient to chat even occasionally. And in obstetric the study with department of gynaecology is different. Be in with patient interview when, do not need to know the cause about the patient or the information of domesticity and so on. If you report to doctor in charge of a case this kind detail, they will be grouchy. This is why the focal point that every time rotate wants to learn every major. This is compared as extensive as patient interview much. The major major that speaks of before is in every time rotate when must relearn, emphasize particularly on because of a lot of major hereat.

It is timeline of the 3rd year last bits exceeding key. The learns rotate place need time of every time is different, but a lot of study rotate need to be worth evening shift, tired computation rises to want to stay at least in the hospital every week 80 hours. If you do not need to learn, these time can schedule pilot completely by oneself. But unfortunate is, the student of the medical school must so do. When learning rotate swift end every time, the student should write " Shelfexam " . This kind of test is the accepted standard test on international, exam content includes 100 issues, two are finished in the hour partly. A lot of moment, the content of the thing that you learn in hospital place and test is different. Good test performance is occupied only every time 50% what rotate studies final result. Remain 50% be decide according to your clinical performance success, perhaps make component to you according to your doctor in charge of a case. Say so, you should learn not only " Shelfexam " , study the data that concerns with clinical experience even. These are not easy and comfortable jobs.

Although study of the 3rd year is very difficult, but also be a year when have results most at the same time. In this year you just begin to become aware him move resembles a doctor. You have your patient, should attend oneself patient. The 3rd year when, you can decide you want finally to make which group. Finally, I want to say, study of the 3rd year is to make a person excited one year truly.

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