Thursday, December 9, 2010

Wei lane medical school admitted regulation to inquire means 2009

Irv Rosenfeld‘s HB 5470 Michigan Medical Marijuana Testimony

The 19th
Hold to De Zhi body to be measured in the round, with culture exam achievement is given priority to, consult integrated quality evaluates examinee, the fair competition, principle that enroll only outstanding people;

The 20th
Admit abide by examinee volunteer and first principle, plan according to recruit students namely, preferential admit the first volunteer examinee, if the first volunteer half-baked recruit students plans, again ordinal admit the 2nd volunteer and adjust volunteer examinee;

The 21st
Major allocation follows the principle with examinee volunteer major already, the principle that balances between major of give attention to two or morethings at the same time, satisfy examinee fill in a form and submit it to the leadership as far as possible volunteer;

The 22nd is become examinee is all and professional volunteer all cannot satisfy, obedient major adjusts, move its the major that hires not full plan to small fraction from high component; Disobedient major adjusts, will in order to withdraw file;

In the mark same condition falls the 23rd, preferential admit 3 good students, outstanding student cadre and the respect waits in specialty of article, body the examinee with integrated good quality;

The 24th is concerned add cent, fall cent casts archives examinee to be carried out by spirit of file of Ministry of Education.

Recruit students branch: Obtain employment of recruit students of Wei lane medical school is in

Location: City of lane of Shandong province Wei Baotongxi street 7166

Zip code: 261053

Word: 0536-8462284, 8462285

E- - Mail:

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