Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Recruit students of preparatory of undergraduate course of Changsha medical school

Medical School Pathology, Chapter 1b

Changsha institute 2008 recruit students constitution

Hunan enrols careful [2008]108081 date

General principles of the first chapter

To ensure Changsha medical school this, the success that specialized subject recruit students works, improve quality of source of student, safeguard the school and examinee to close right increase, basis " People‘s Republic of China teachs a law " and " law of higher education of People‘s Republic of China " the policy regulation that reachs Ministry of Education to admit the job about recruit students of the university entrance exam, join the particular case that recruit students of Changsha medical school works, make this way.
This the first constitution applies to Changsha medical school recruit students of ordinary undergraduate course, specialized subject works.
Job of recruit students of medical school of the 2nd Changsha is carried out " beauty of body of just choose, public program, fair competition, De Zhi is comprehensive assessment, comprehensive assessment, enroll only outstanding people " principle.
Job of recruit students of medical school of the 3rd Changsha accepts discipline check of media of censorial branch, news, examinee and its parent and social all circles supervise.

School of the 2nd chapter is schematic

Full name of the 4th school: Changsha medical school
Code of the 5th school: 10823
The 6th managerial property: Run by the local people
The 7th managerial administrative levels: Undergraduate course
The 8th managerial type: Common colleges and universities
The 9th learns a form: Full-time
The 10th managerial ground nods: City of Hunan Province the Changsha City, Heng Yang
Eleventh managerial concept: Quality establishs school, outstanding distinguishing feature, development innovation, pursuit outstanding

The 3rd chapter origanization construction

Dozenth Changsha medical school establishs recruit students to head a group, be in charge of making recruit students policy and recruit students plan, discussion decision recruit students weighs important matter appropriate.
Thirteenth the standing body that place of obtain employment of recruit students of Changsha medical school is organization and job of executive recruit students, the routine of recruit students of medical school of specific and responsible Changsha.
Wu of board of directors of medical school of the 14th Changsha, courtyard discipline of Party committee of meeting, courtyard, courtyard appoint to recruit students the job is carried out supervise.

The 4th chapter is admitted

The 15th Changsha medical school faces 22 provinces such as Hunan, Guangdong, Guangxi, Sichuan, Chongqing, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Fujian, Hubei, Shandong, Tianjin, Hainan, Jiangxi, Beijing, Henan, Shaanxi, Yunnan, Anhui, Shanghai, Qinghai, Guizhou, Xinjiang, recruit students plans to pass the form such as website of general rules of recruit students of branch of director of each provincial recruit students, school, school to be announced to examinee.
The 16th is achieved in achievement of the university entrance exam in admitting lowest to control the examinee of fractional line with batch, the school according to do not exceed the school to be saved in each (municipality, municipality directly under the Central Government) the of 120% scale shift that recruit students plans reviews examinee record, specific scale is inspected each omit condition of source of student and decide.
The requirement of medical school of the seventeenth Changsha to examinee check-up basis Ministry of Education " opinion of guidance of job of check-up of common colleges and universities " carry out.
The 18th is in the first school volunteer enter oneself for an examination below the circumstance of examinee fulfil the quota of my school, by what announce recruit students plans, admit fill in a form and submit it to the leadership above all my courtyard the first volunteer examinee; Below the circumstance of the first volunteer dissatisfaction, do not refuse the 2nd, the 3rd volunteer examinee.
Each major checks the 19th my school examinee asks without only branch grade, assembly accomplishment achieves the examinee giving grade of control line of my school lowest, professional and volunteer allocation according to " the grade is first " the principle undertakes. When the major that cannot satisfy examinee place fill in a form and submit it to the leadership when examinee achievement is volunteer, if obedient major adjusts examinee, the school adjusts recruit students to plan still half-baked major to small fraction from high component according to achievement of examinee literacy class, till the collection is full; If disobedient major adjusts examinee, make collection retreat processing.
The 20th my school agrees to carry out each province (municipality, municipality directly under the Central Government) orgnaization of educational service, entrance exam is concerned add cent or fall minute of policy provision that drops archives.
The 21st art kind, sports kind professional examinee achieves my school lowest to control fractional hind in literacy class achievement, preferential admit. College of medicine of Changsha of every fill in a form and submit it to the leadership is volunteer, a line is admitted by my courtyard student, avoid pay the first year of tuition.
Language of education of foreign language of the 22nd school is English, do not add try spoken language.
Each major recruit students does not restrict the 23rd school scale of male woman student.
The 24th the university entrance exam is add cent: My school in principle agrees with each province (municipality, municipality directly under the Central Government) exam courtyard is concerned add cent or fall minute of policy that pitchs archives and principle
The 25th admits a result to ask and be saved each according to Ministry of Education (municipality, municipality directly under the Central Government) formulary form is announced, examinee can log onto inquiry of website of my school recruit students.

The 5th chapter itsIt

The 26th new student enters school hind, the school undertakes check-up of enter a school and culture achievement test wait according to concerned regulation check. Do not accord with the student that admits a condition to checking, uniform cancel qualification of enter a school.
The 27th rate: Case according to price of Hunan of bureau of Hunan Province prices [relevant document sets 2007]41 date, my courtyard new student rate was as follows 2008:
(1) major of undergraduate course recruit students and rate:
Clinical medicine, medicine examines, precautionary medicine, oral cavity medicine, medicine learns, in medicine, medicine is video learn 7 major 13500 yuan / year / unripe;
Protect massage of a Confucian school of idealist philosophy of the Song and Ming Dynasties, acupuncture to learn 2 major 11800 yuan / year / unripe;
Computer science and technology, English 2 major 11500 yuan / year / unripe;
Sale of industrial and commercial management, market 2 major 10500 yuan / year / unripe.
(2) major of specialized subject recruit students and rate:
Clinical medicine, medicine examines technology, medicine learns, in medicine, medicine is video 6 major such as technology of technology, medical treatment hairdressing 8700 yuan / year / unripe;
Nurse, technology of cure of acupuncture massage, rehabilitation, sanitation examines to wait for 5 major with management of quarantine technology, wholesome information 8500 yuan / year / unripe;
Technology of applied English, computer application 2 major 7500 yuan / year / unripe;
Industrial and commercial business management is professional: 6500 yuan / year / unripe.
(3) accommodation cost: 1200 yuan / year / unripe (apartment type lodges, the charge after water and electricity exceeds an amount provides for oneself) .
Note: My courtyard implements the rate that bureau of Hunan Province prices sets strictly, afore-mentioned rate are standard of file of bureau of 2007 provinces prices, file of province prices bureau had not allot 2009, if have transaction, bureau of the prices that press a province new 2009 rate is carried out.
Certificate of the 28th record of formal schooling: Via exam qualification, issue Changsha medical school this, specialized subject diploma, unified online electron is registered, the country admits record of formal schooling. Undergraduate course graduate accords with demander to award corresponding bachelor‘s degree.
System of the 29th fellowship: Taste the person that learn to hold actor concurrently to be able to be obtained " national fellowship " , " fellowship of national encourage annals " , " China helps stipend of self-improvement of deficient foundation new Great Wall up " , " Hunan Province strands outstanding undergraduate fellowship especially " " president fellowship " , the student of domestic poverty can be obtained " national stipend " etc, active organization attends to be versed in frequently aid learn an activity.

Supplementary articles of the 6th chapter

The requirement that a school works about recruit students before, regulation is like thirtieth as afoul as this constitution, it is with this constitution accurate; If this constitution has with recruit students of country or each province, city, municipality director branch concerns policy to set abhorrent office, it is with country and regulation of ranking concerned policy accurate.

Thirtieth this 2 constitution are in charge of explaining by place of obtain employment of recruit students of Changsha medical school.

Enrol crude character

Preparatory class, the student is in school preparatory a year, the enter a higher school of speak or sing alternately that attends Hunan Province the 2nd year takes an exam, one‘s deceased father on the specialized subject reads a specialized subject,

The school proposes school fee rate

300 minutes of the following examinee: The school collects fees school expenses 25000 to Heng Yang the campus attends class

300 - examinee of 329 minutes: The school closes propose school fee 35000 attend class in cadre

330 above: The school closes propose school fee 25000

Above charge, in recruit students teacher guide below, can hand in school finance affairs directly by student and parent, can make ready money, can brush card, have financial electronic small bill. Operation expenses closes additionally.

This orgnaization is to learn school Changsha area to appoint recruit students to be in, take you to go to the school paying fee personally! The operation expends countrywide lowest. Can assure the recruit students of 100% insurance. . .

Recruit students refers a telephone call: 0731-85733459Contented teacher

QQ 397865108

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