Monday, December 6, 2010

A medical school is big the written confession of 4 schoolgirls

How to Get Medical Jobs : How to Become a Doctor

Say the university is a process that ego analyses

What does meeting him understanding want truly

What is what oneself go after truly

What is oneself disposition certainly

The medical school that passed 4 years lives

Just discover oneself today and do not have powerful

And more the weakness that sees oneself clear

Above all I want to affirm my is

I am quite brave

I dare try

I did not lose face

I also won‘t care about the view of others

I what said so much

This is me today the first want to say

Oneself are true too it is a center with ego too notice oneself affection

Gift oneself too much feeling total meeting enlarge magnifies again

Say funny also university 4 years

Can be in actually put to death small rat when cried

Like feeling oneself resembled the child now cried

I am good him place that regrets why to to look for a nobody is stealing practice

Those who let so much person witness me is cowardly

Dear was analysed to me

Resembling is me all defect are seen by her same

She says because,I am too depend on others just can be in her before cry

What just can cry is so loud

When doing a test, always also hiding at the back

(I had endeavored to go forth)

I dare give a classmate exsanguinate and dear however not dare

She says is to be afraid of bear consequence and I won‘t think those are sequential however

So oneself are so a person that does not do a thing to never consider consequence independently

Taking so much defect not to feel to have a responsibility

Do not know oneself really today is for what cried

Also do not know why to dare touch it namely

When I feel its temperature I dare not do it

It still does not cry be fond of in every case it rises " scold " I am one sentence

In my heart comfortable also
It is so small still not " utter sth "

It should cry really come out me more not give the heart to

Had not raised puppy as a child
To the sort of having temperature returns the dot that can move

I am not to control really

Hold puppy in the arms every time I am toughen one‘s scalp-brace oneself those who go up

To me its lovely can look at only

Who can understand me to come down after all today how old cruel-hearted ability is met so do

Say to also do not have a few people that know me truly

It is my parents the thing that they also can force I do not want to do

Cry fortunately in the heart much more relaxed also

He resemble is to finish a very big job like

Dare walk out of the first pace at long last

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