Saturday, December 4, 2010

The heart has how old, arena has how old -- the medical school is read in the United States (group plan)

Medical School Pathology, Chapter 1b

2003 is Chinese student a year when obtain student visa the hardest, joey holds ConditionalAdmission(to be admitted conditionally in that year however) admission notice visa succeeds, head for the United States mid a very average college reads undergraduate course. He is me these year come of deal with, a the family circumstances in the student that the university reads toward the United States before is the weakest. His mom decides when to going to the United States reading, say to him in him: I your charge goes to a burden undergraduate course graduates, all charge get weigh in hand by yourself later.

Joey is to be below the premise that the rehearsal that be avoided by Zhejiang university takes in those days, still attend the university entrance exam, can obtain the outstanding student of many minutes of 800 high component likewise, natural and unwilling read an United States‘ average college. He decides to lend ConditionalAdmission this road when going to the United States, begin to ask about the relevant program of transfer, the university in his memory is UC Berkeley.

Language courses ends, joey made undergraduate course graduation enter oneself for an examination the decision of the medical school, chose chemistry and piano at the same time two major. Choose piano, because,be his elementary school when, passed domestic spare piano the exam of 10 class, hold a true love to piano. Choose chemistry, because consider American medical school is taken an examination of very hard,be, if be taken an examination of,go up, outstanding biology and chemical foundation are the basic safeguard of regular finish school; If be not taken an examination of,go up, the newspaper reads the Master of major of biology project and so on, also follow a rational line to do some work well.

In the eye of American, read a medical school to become a doctor, it is Best Of Thebest undoubtedly. In signing up for the student that takes an examination of a medical school every year, if the person that makes an appointment with 1/3 only wishs, that is to say the person of 2/3 was not admitted by a medical school. For very rich to college degree United States, this admits rate enough what the specification competes is intense. American medical school and China are different, undergraduate course does not set medical baccalaureate, the life because of the person once, too young student is thought sense of responsibility is insufficient. So, read a medical school after the United States made a few professions again, there are plenty of such people, hold student of medical school at least the scale of 50% . If hope 4 years to the medical school is read continuously after school work of the undergraduate course that finish, the person the corresponding period that has working experience to can be mixed competes, the student should have certain experimental amount not only during school, have certain justice project amount even. Because be in big the first semester of 4, the medical school can issue admission notice, so, the applicant is in at least big the spring of the 2nd 3 semester is about to attend MCAT (matriculation of medical school) exam, if want to achieve good result in MCAT exam, nature is to want to finish lesson ahead of schedule, the competition that this means this kind of student is more miserable intense.

The English writing of applicant of medical school and colloquial ability must very outstanding, former it is the assurance that MCAT passes smoothly, latter is the assurance that interview passes smoothly, this is not bitter back a year can of pass a barrier. The talk between doctor and patient and family member, often want to involve far-reaching medical ethics and social morality issue, without good expressive ability, adv unimaginably how to communicate with the person. Besides conveying ability, the applicant also must have the knowledge of full-scale development to social culture of the United States, have original opinion even, is bureau be confined to not just the understanding that waits for apparently culture to sports, movie and TV, music. Additional, the tuition of the medical school is very costly, and have fellowship almost impossibly, tuition adds living cost one year to spend on 50 thousand much dollar is regular job, time-consuming grow again, class hour 4 years, cost does not poor really. This tripartite face becomes international student, especially English reads the obstacle with the biggest medical school to be not student of mother tongue country to declare.

The competitive condition to the medical school and after admitting a condition to have basic knowledge, you can imagine Joey is admitting how old pressure at that time. Because Joey runs the admission notice enter a school of ConditionalAdmission, this is meant, calculate English ability enough to achieve on the degree of normal course, the language center that he also should set in the university at least costs a semester, that is to say, he has time of two years to prepare MCAT exam only merely. Between ideal and reality, joey cannot help doing gives choice. Above all, he quited transfer to another school. Because lesson is outstanding, the school that he is in can offer a project to let him enter lab work, this can settle the charge that reads partly not only, return can contented medical school to admit the requirement to tested number, grow long summer vacation, joey is spend in the lab. Next, joey can make piano professional become his Minor only, and the 2nd Major that cannot become him, because do not have time really,go answering too much course. But, because musical instrument art is outstanding, he gained the opportunity that plays piano in cathedral, and the monetary reward that church offers is finite, be did half justice work, also be those who finished certain amount number of justice labour hour. Again, begin from one grade, how does he solve the charge problem that the medical school reads with teacher discussion, his teacher tells him: It is international student, want you to be able to be admitted by the medical school only, the school can assist a student to apply for loan. The mom that connects him says to him: Son, we are so not painstaking, read a biology project Master good? He never abandons his dream.

Nothingisimpossible, the heart has how old, arena has how old. Summer 2007, if Joey wished to step the entrance door of the medical school. The United States still is the place that an implementation letting a person dreams really.

Some time ago, I go up in the net and reading a medical school the Joey of 2 grade chats, from inside chatting record, we can have to the circumstance of American medical school probably understanding.

Green jade: Does the homework pressure of the medical school make to you time works? If work, how many hour can a week have?

Joey: We are to rely on loan to go to school, working do not have a likelihood. My life of a day, besides have a meal to sleep and move necessarily outside recreation, other time should be used on study. Impossible also on the weekend, for the word that uses us, the time on the weekend uses the homework that Catchup cannot catch up with. Go to even holiday impossibly working, because, the 2nd year end does not have the medical school holiday but character. The 2nd year, may final, wanted to attend countrywide charter exam June, everybody can be reviewed, nobody dare slight. The exam ends, july, rotation of the 3rd year began.
Green jade: Morpheus of a few hours to have everyday?

Joey: 6 to 7 hours, because the tutorial of the medical school is given priority to with memory, our course is a month an Unit, every month can have an examination, if Morpheus is too little, cannot remember also no use.

Green jade: Began a field trip in July next year? Jackaroo continuously? Be still vacation field trip merely? Can the exercitation have income?

Joey: Jackaroo two years continuously, we call it Rotation, it is to be in school must do 4 years, the branch that we can differ in the hospital works by turns. This is little field trip only, the student can do can be some of miscellaneous work only. The exercitation of this paragraph of time does not have income, the student union of grade of 3-4 of a lot of moment is more of a hindrance than a help, do not have the money that be buckled already titter.

Two years Rotation ends, the 4th year of fast graduation when, we want deliver requisition, apply for real field trip. After with the hospital the autograph is made an appointment with, do in the hospital as formal intern cheap labor. This phase, have income of a year 50 thousand only probably. Some students are disrelished little, so a kind of behavior calls Moonlighting, the part-time job is done to another hospital after the hospital job that the student is arranging for the autograph ends namely.

Doctor this one redound is very slow, it is undergraduate course to graduate to promote the person of the medical school continuously, can true oneself hang out oneself shingle practise medicine at least also should arrive 29, 30 years old. You calculate, read Undergraduate from 18 years old, 22, 23 years old begin to apply a medical school, next 4 years of medical schools, 26, 27 years old begin to apply for an exercitation, the exercitation ends, can not be 29, 30 years old. This still is general pattern, want to become certain and special doctor, the exercitation time after graduation will be longer, for instance, family doctor, time of average field trip is 3 years after graduation, operation doctor is average 5 years, if be specialized subject doctor, be about to add specialized subject exercitation again after average field trip, those who be as long as 8 years is long. The doctor is in only formal hold after the card, ability can have good income. What if using my Mom, say is, old daughter-in-law boils a mother-in-law. Of course, the doctor has very high social class in the United States.

Green jade: College graduate reads the student of the medical school continuously, how many proportion does your school have?

Joey: What rise continuously is not much, probably 50% . Some read Public Health Master, some read Phd even, perhaps read PharmacistDoctor, consider to become a doctor again. I calculate in our class young, I have a fellow student probably 45 years old, when I am thinking he graduates all the time, can be why year He Yue ah, such person is not little nevertheless. Can see mixed classmate in the medical school so, university pronunciation is happy, perhaps read literature also have, pretty is interesting. I had university of a classmate to read History, turn next music, final Master read Publichealth, we call this kind of student Non-traditionalstudents normally. Still have, a lot of classmates are the sort of changed a few jobs, after living a lot of kinds of lives, ability awareness will become a doctor. There is those who had done Marketingsales in my classmate, had done Financialmanagement, have what had played professional volleyball in Australia, still have those who had done Paramedic, very interesting.

Because corporeal condition of the United States and chance are remote richer than China, children as a child with respect to nurturance puts so that leave state of mind. 9 choices are again bad, also have the road back to one‘s former position, unapt the lifetime that destroyed him. So 40 years old abrupt generation throws ability well the inspiration that the profession goes to reading aloud a medical school, spouse and folk also can understand to support even.

Look, want to become American doctor, business of enough intelligence quotient, affection, financial capacity, physical strength plus resist loneliness, be short of one cannot ah. Want to read the student of American medical school, are you ready?

The Joey when the university graduates

Cross school time to attend KentuckyAcademy Of Science to study placard is exhibited

During summer vacation, cross school time to work in the lab of University Of Kentuekey

Left head and right head very the Joey that develop

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