Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Father-in-law medical school reads therapeutics to study series paper list

Would ObamaCare Kill Medical Innovation?

Library of father-in-law medical school is begun read therapeutics research and undergraduate psychology problem to read remedial servive routine to had had 10 long time. This job got the school leader and the height that the library leads take seriously and support energetically. The task that is chief with Gong Meiling studies the group assumed Shandong to save two when teach hall relevant tasks early or late, publish read therapeutics practice to study 20 the paper is close. The near future has the undergraduate students of many library major and graduate student to be interested in read therapeutics, project chose to read therapeutics to study way, the incoming letter demands relevant data and data, consult for convenient classmates, offer the following list now:

[1] Gong Meiling, cong Zhong. Medic psychology worry appeals the investigation of means [J] . Journal of Hunan medical university, 1999, (3)

[2] Gong Meiling. College library is solving undergraduate psychology to perplex medium action [J] . Journal of Tai‘an teachers training school, 2000, (5)

[3] Gong Meiling, cong Zhong. Read therapeutics: The undergraduate‘s love. Chinese youth signs up for [N] , 2001.5.17

[4] Gong Meiling, from which. Read therapeutics to treat the research of undergraduate psychology disease. Medicine and society, 2001 (5)

[5] Gong Meiling. Talk read therapeutics the action in eliminating undergraduate psychology to perplex. Chinese advanced medicine is taught, 2001. (2)

[6] Gong Meiling, cong Zhong. Conduce to the investigation that resolves category of books and periodicals of undergraduate psychology problem [J] . Chinese school is wholesome, 2002, (10)

[7] Gong Meiling, wang Lianyun. College library begins the means that reads remedial service to consider [J] . Library magazine, 2002, (6)

[8] Gong Meiling, cong Zhong. Read therapeutics to solve effect of undergraduate psychology problem to evaluate [J] . Chinese behavior medicine is scientific, 2002, (10)

[9] Gong Meiling, zhou Jianhua. Confucius and bibliotherapy. Library magazine, 2002, (5)

[10] Gong Meiling, cong Zhong. Read go anxiety, undergraduate companion coachs with read therapeutics. China teachs a newspaper, 2003.8.19.

[11] Gong Meiling, cong Zhong. Undergraduate psychology problem reads therapeutics to consider [J] China library science signs up for 2004 (2)

[12] Gao Wenfeng, gong Meiling.SCL-90 reads remedial contrast to examine to 50 undergraduates [magazine of J] China mental hygiene 2004, (6)

[13] Gong Meiling. The quality that the member that college house reads remedial house should have [J] . Library magazine, 2005, (2)

[14] Gong Meiling, zhou Jianhua. College library becomes the integrated interpose of addiction to undergraduate network. University library science signs up for 2007, (5)

[15] Gong Meiling, zou Lisen. Hut of open book cure explores a network to read cure. Library magazine, 2007 (6)

[16] Sun Yan, gong Meiling. The setting of reading room background music and effect are evaluated. Library magazine, 2008 (8)

[17] Zhu Ruifeng, gong Meiling. Undergraduate mental health teachs a companion to coach to be discussed with what read therapeutics union. Library job and research, 2008. (11)

[18] Gong Meiling. Judge Wang Bo " read therapeutics " . Library job and research, 2009 (3) Http://

[19] Gong Meiling. Of father-in-law medical school read therapeutics research and practice. Books and information, 2009 (2) Http://

[20] Gong Meiling, from which. Heart of disaster area people rebuilds book square. Healthy newspaper May 8, 2009 the 4th edition

[21] Guo Aiying, gong Meiling. "4 laws develop simultaneously " exploration of mode of education of undergraduate mental health. Chinese advanced medicine teachs.2009, (8)

[22] Gong Meiling, cong Zhong. Read cure case of depressed obstacle model is analysed. Mental medicine, 2009. (5)

[23] Gong Meiling. Read therapeutics to be explored in the practice in the college. Library magazine, 2010 (10)

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