Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Doctor, the life that guards me please (scholar of medical school of haing Buddha university)

Medical Benefits Prank

On Feburary 6, 2006, in the day of this common, the first hospital held Chinese Beijing University a congress of grand mourn over a person‘s death, full text of speech of mourn over a person‘s death is as follows:

Outstanding pursuit, western learning stays in, all one‘s life boreal cure, struggle for the career more than how flower year die between brandish of a snap of the fingers,

To taste exalted, sincere goodness, dream fetch China, need another person cordial and natural spotless win universal praise comes.

"Xiong Zhuo gave birth to Yu Wuhan on March 16, 1956 for the professor old and well-known family of a medicine, father rebukes Professor Xu Lin is the whole nation‘s famous urological department expert, maternal Professor Guan Huiying is famous and paediatrics expert. She joins a Chinese Communist 17 years old when rural go to live and work in a production team. The first undergraduate after serving as Culture Revolution 1977 takes an examination of Wuhan to be the same as aid medical university. Wuhan allocates after graduation assist become paediatrics doctor with the hospital, be highlighted because of work and studying outstanding achievement and most be promoted to be paediatrics doctor in charge of a case by abnormality first, much science article is published during and be judged to be advanced worker for many times. Went abroad 1989 to Australian Melbourne university royal children hospital becomes doctor of attend in a advanced studies. Took an examination of Australia to cheat Na Shi 1992 (Monash) university medical school assiduously studies doctoral course, obtained M.d. degree in May 1997. Of the same age enters medical school of Singapore state-maintaineding university to do postdoctoral. Return by 1998 hire a Meng Nashi (Monash) university medical school does a researcher. Sufferred 1999 hire center of Singapore country heart, have successively held the posts of this center researcher, chief researcher, the position such as the chief scientist, establish biology and lipoprotein institute. Suffer with the identity of expert of foreign country of bay book Chinese from March 2004 hire Beijing University institute of heart and vessels of the first hospital holds the post of researcher, professor. During hold a post, to the construction of cardiovascular institute lab and management, graduate student education, laboratory assistant grooms waited for a respect to make a large number of works, applied for to obtain fund of two countries science, " 985 " task and " 211 " the multinomial task such as the project, made very large contribution for the scientific research job of cardiovascular institute.

"Xiong Zhuo pursues a career to teach lifetime, the job is assiduous, pursue one‘s studies is rigorous, in lipoprotein, the domain such as heart and vessels and dietetics has very deep attainment, much science article was published on the international learning periodical of relevant domain.

"Moral character of humanness of ursine Professor Zhuo Wei is exalted, sincere be apt to is plain, need a person cordial, be happy to help a person, optimistic and hopeful, win universal praise of all without exception. The person that always work together with her and has interacted can respect her, regard her as good teacher and helpful friend.

"Xiong Zhuo dies young to teach misfortune, make we lost a honorable outstanding scientist, lost a good teacher that is worth love and esteem, lost a nice fellow that is worth to work together and the good friend that are worth association. Her die, it is the huge loss of academia, it is the huge loss of Beijing University hospital, also be the huge loss of all of us!

"We are deep-felt the yearning rebukes Zhuo Wei is taught, her spirit will forever incentive we, we will continue to finish ursine Zhuo Wei to teach half-baked job.

"Ursine Professor Zhuo Wei of respect will live in our heart forever! "Ursine Professor Zhuo Wei of respect will live in our heart forever!!

Beijing University hospital teachs writes memorial speech for ursine Zhuo Wei, great variety weighs Chinese ink, generalized the lifetime that ursine Zhuo Wei teachs aptly in the round. Word words and expressions sentence the infinite yearning that arouses us to be a professor to Xiong Zhuo, in the heart of the person that sad shedding drips to attend the meeting in every. Ursine Professor Zhuo Wei is far in Australia, singapore, american teacher, classmate, friend, scientific research partner, contend for memorial of congress of photograph pass round for perusal because of cannot attending plenary meeting of mourn over a person‘s death, in astonish, of sadness, everybody happens to coincide the ground is immersed in deep doubt in: Zhuo Weizheng is worth flower year, abandon abroad‘s easy living conditions, run the scientific research environment with favorable mechanism, conceive one antrum aspiration personally, not plan recompense ground returns Beijing University hospital, want to learn to serve as somewhat in the medical domain of the motherland with lifetime place. Can be less than time of two years merely, truly lofty ideal did not propose a toast body predecease. In this memorial and the relevant souvenir sex that subsequently place of periodical of Beijing University hospital publishs in the article, teach ursine Zhuo Wei repeatedly die the definition is die young, but it is the reason that die young to eminent however the word was not carried. Why to carry, because not dare, why not dare, dying early because of what eminent is is not to result from the reason that cannot defy, be like traffic accident, be like incurable disease. Result from however an accident, of be terrified making a person derelict, the act as if human life is not worth a straw of anger making a person.

Eminent answers for incident put:

2006 New Year Yin Shi, xiong Zhuo feels for the professor lumbar leg is aching, walk disadvantageous, diagnose of doctor of orthopaedics of Beijing University hospital is " Peng of isthmus of 4 surge companion gives the small of the back " suggest the operation is treated. With respect to the professional level of orthopaedics of Beijing University hospital, have hope very much to interverbebral disc operation of Zhuo Wei, after predicting art 34 days can get out of bed, can leave hospital one week later. Xiong Zhuo was admitted to hospital afternoon on January 23, 2006 for the professor, on January 24 in the morning at 8 o‘clock operation. Begin Xiong Zhuo to feel for the professor crus bilges the following day after the operation painful, advocate the normal reaction of oedema of the nerve after knife doctor considers as art, the patient when experienced pace of bed of the 5th the 6th the world has low blood pressure and dizzy phenomenon, be on duty the posture sex low blood pressure that the doctor explains to be is as a result of the lie in bed after art generation. Bed of the 7th the world after eminent is an operation drills sudden death is broken out when the pace, rescue is invalid on January 31, 2006 4 when 50 minutes of misfortune die! Beijing University hospital teachs sudden death to be diagnosed of the reason finally to ursine Zhuo Wei is pulmonary artery embolism.

After accident happening, zhuo Wei‘s family member has negotiation with Beijing University hospital repeatedly, the hope receives logical explanation to this one tragedy, but Beijing University hospital thinks program of whole medical treatment does not have any problems. Since Beijing University hospital, this one so-called China‘s first-rate hospital is less than a problem to be in through searching after self check, so let us help Beijing University hospital.

As top-ranking hospital, top-ranking surgeon, because Beijing University hospital and doctor in charge of a case should be clear about, in the preparation before art, the operation in art, clinical and close observation is medium after art any link has accident, can make patient incur loses the risk of life. In the any on patient body local operation, because consider by caused systemic pathology is physiological change. Let the preparation before we see Zhuo Wei‘s tactics together: Be admitted to hospital 23 days afternoon, 24 in the morning at 8 o‘clock operation. The operation before art agrees with a book in, mention expressly clearly in operation venture share embolism having lung, the likelihood of cerebral embolism. Medical history collects a part to show Zhuo Wei belongs to the tall hair crowd of deep vein thrombosis clearly: Female, bodily form slants fat, go to already have hypertensive medical history, diabetic medical history, and take Lin Shi of A Si skin for a long time. Below this kind of circumstance, because the operation needs, the doctor‘s advice before art of doctor in charge of a case indicates Si Pilin of A of out of service. The thrombus of embolism pulmonary artery basically comes from human body deep vein, human body blood assumes Gao Ning position is one of main factors that cause vein thrombosis, and all sorts of orthopaedics operations can cause blood to assume Gao Ning position, among them the happening after rachis operation odds wants prep above other operation. Below this kind of circumstance, orthopaedics of Beijing University hospital did not discuss operation venture seriously. Do not have more ask haemal family, heart internal medicine, the relevant section office such as endocrine diagnoses tegether, the medical history that combines Zhuo Wei calculates risk happening odds, reach make the relevant measure that once happen,is aimed at a risk. Each patients need to sign an operation to agree with a book before the operation, assume the operation risk that in agreeing with a book, lists. But the umbrella that the operation agrees with a book is not doctor dereliction of duty. Know to have a risk, but discuss through relapsing, after preventing carefully, the risk still happened, patient and the risk requisition that family member basis signs ought to assume a risk, because this is planted,the happening of the risk surpassed level of existing medical treatment technology. To it contrary, know to have a risk, but discuss again carelessly, do not use existing remedy, equipment, enact relevant measure and cause serious consequence, it is dereliction of duty.

Deep vein thrombosis has to pulmonary artery embolism come on accordingly process, symptom and body are asked for. Although deep vein thrombosis happens, if discover in time, handle in time, won‘t endanger life, buy of following antrum vein colander are entered can prevent pulmonary artery embolism. But advocate after studying doctor method, did not give at any hematology index monitoring, also did not restore any fighting to take the because of the operation aspirin etc that leaves doctor‘s advice out of service before art coagulate medicaments, do not have more at any time monitoring and the symptom that treat a patient, advocate knife doctor already dropped a patient namely in the 3rd day after patient art, come home spend the New Year. Leg ministry gall feels the following day after patient art, the reason of this one clinical expression, can be the normal expression of oedema of the nerve after rachis operation, and this also the inchoate and clinical expression that just is thrombosis of lower limbs vein. Appear when the patient when some kind of clinical expression, as a doctor, should eliminate the cause of disease with the most severe consequence above all, inchoate occurrence blood pressure is fluctuant after art of together with patient, more because consideration blood current changes,learn change. And after Zhuo Wei‘s doctor in charge of a case considers as orthopaedics arbitrarily the operation, behave normally, undertake any is like not in time supersonic wait for relevant examination, bring about incur loss through delay to diagnose, lost the auspicious period that saves eminent to be life.

Zhuo Wei went, her life drew a full stop, one is forced to draw the full stop on. In lab of heart and vessels of Beijing University hospital in that austere office, the computer on the desk still switchs on the mobile phone condition,
The scientific research plan that has not complete is in the folder that opens on screen, what put on the desk is the paper that awaits read and appraise, the scientific research that the phone leaves a message is need answer in box seeks advice. Because Zhuo Wei plans only small rest a few days, in the hospital that has deep love for in oneself, the work in the same placing that respects reliance by oneself finishs a common rachis surgery on him body operation, the lumbar leg that disturbs oneself in order to remove to work constantly is painful. But she also is met again,did not come.

Zhuo Wei‘s mother, 85 years old of senile Guan Huiying are taught, famous paediatrics doctor, guarded countless life all one‘s life. How many times, the mother that is full of angst cherishs the child of sicken comes to her before, there is sadness in their eye, have tear, have beg, still have complete credit. "Doctor, treat my child please, use your professional knowledge please, engrave here, guard the child‘s life for me. Guard the child‘s life for me..
The heart that believes each mothers ever had issued such request. While Professor Guan Huiying is guarding a little patient, also mix each mothers are same, guarding Zhuo Wei. It is quack dropping ground from eminent, to thrive. Render service to repay kindness to learn to be become somewhat from eminent the motherland. Zhuo Wei is admitted to hospital that is so easy momently, be in charge of a professor is so be at ease, the life because of Zhuo Wei will be guarded by China‘s first-rate hospital, the colleague expect that her life will be trusted completely by oneself. It is the last moment of life till eminent, when sudden death happens, she just frightens the ground exclaims, "I should die, I should die, mom! " this is the last sound that Zhuo Wei leaves this world.

Fall from the sky or outer space of a life, can be the person that the bow wave that generates because of place of its fall from the sky shook strongly to be born truly. Zhuo Wei‘s friend, teacher, classmate, mostly active in domestic and international medicine clinical, the forward position of scientific research domain. They serve as Zhuo Wei‘s friend, leave because of what eminent is the sadness that feels lungs of painful thorough heart; Regard medicine as professional personage, because eminent is such leaving, and the disgrace that feels deep. After Beijing University hospital happens for incident in eminent, not was a family member to Yu Zhuo with respect to the happening of incident a logical explanation. To it contrary, to safeguard a doctor, safeguard a hospital, it is incident to eminent by every means chicanery, make Zhuo Wei‘s family encounters one disaster after another.

Beijing University hospital is asked low your exalted head, say sound Is am sorry please. It is caution for incident with eminent please, promote medical ethics cure of the doctor skill, make the doctor becomes the person that real life is guarded. Rebuild the patient accredit to the hospital, because the hospital should be the place with the safest life. Each patients, no matter the rich and the poor of gentle and simple, close alienation is close, it is a precious life. What be engaged in because of you is professional, they come to you before; Because trust to yours, they gave you precious life. Do not want disappoint please this accredit, use your major please, your heart goes guarding these giving your life. You are the close kin that how guards you to love, your life is how to be come to love what to guard by your close kin.

Your life is how to be come to love what to guard by your close kin..
Doctor, guard my life please "

Ursine Zhuo Wei is taught before one‘s death good friend, tall song of scholar of medical school of haing Buddha university represents the learned man of partial foreign citizen of Chinese origin that is in the United States

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