Saturday, December 4, 2010

Colleague of library of medical school of China north coal comes to my house study reads therapeutics

Medical School Pathology, Chapter 1b

On October 26, 2010, two teachers suffer the Li Shumin of library of medical school of China north coal, Wu Zhiying the accreditation of curator Huang Xiaoli, come to my house undertake making an on-the-spot investigation on the spot on a special trip, study reads therapeutics to carry out working experience. Mr. Gong Meiling that reads remedial lab introduced my house to begin undergraduate psychology problem to read therapeutics research and the case that read cure to fulfil the job in detail to them. Two teachers still interviewed my courtyard undergraduate to read therapeutics association member randomly, read the therapeutics reaction in the student and result with farther understanding. They think library of father-in-law medical school reads research of therapeutics solid Wu consistently, begin for countrywide college house read therapeutics service to establish model. They express to want my house to begin the advanced experience that reads therapeutics to bring back this house, learn well, had begun in medical school of China north coal read remedial servive routine. Hope two houses will strengthen communication henceforth, the joint efforts has been done read therapeutics to work in the promotion of the college, let more students be benefited. .

Contributor: Read Wang Huie of therapeutics association chairman

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